If you hire an ICO marketing firm, how do you know they will be successful at marketing your project?

The Almighty Marketer
2 min readOct 9, 2018


You don’t. And there are 3 main reasons for that.

Firstly, the key to ICO success is actually a great product. Of course, there can be no product launch without a great marketing. But even if you hire the best ICO marketing firm on the planet your ICO won’t be a success unless your idea or a product is great and useful and brings value to the community. It should preferably work too.

Secondly, it’s always a teamwork that brings the ICO to success. Again, even if you hire the best ICO marketing firm on the planet your ICO won't be a success unless you follow all their recommendations properly and do your part of the job in a timely manner. So, keep in mind that the ICO marketing firm will not do all the work for you. It simply does not work that way.

Thirdly, the ICO success is normally defined by the cap reach. And the cap is normally set in crypto money. And we all know how unstable is the cryptocurrency market which directly affects the success of any ICO.

But here are some steps you can take in order to evaluate the skills of the firm before signing the contract and avoid miscommunication wrong expectations.

How to evaluate the skills of the marketing firm
  1. Ask the company to provide ICO marketing cases they have done.
  2. Find and contact the previous clients of the firm directly to find out if they were satisfied with the work. Ask if they would recommend the company.
  3. Check the ratings of the firm (you should already know that ICO marketing firms also get listed and rated on the listings, ex. https://icobench.com/agencies).
  4. Define the job: ask the company to describe what exactly they will do for your ICO and what will they require you to do. And set KPIs for further evaluation.

And get ready for sleepless nights, as ICO requires a lot of time and effort.
And good luck :-)

Originally published at www.quora.com.



The Almighty Marketer

The Almighty Digital Marketing Expert, Professor | Content Creator | Crypto enthusiast & Business Advisor